Part II: The Restoration and Repair Campaign
Part III: Planning the Way Ahead for the Car
Part IV: The Renderings of the way Ahead for the Raider Mobile
Part V: Proposed Budget
Part II: Operation Restore Tanker Lincoln
The restoration and repair campaign for a squadron car:
This story began for me with a mutual love of a squadron icon and the desire to find the history behind the “Raider Mobile.” Fast forward ten years, as I retire, and now am researching more known on the car, and trying to begin a “Foundation” of those interested in a restoration of some kind, thus ensuring the memories and possibly the physical car is kept alive for years to come. I first had heard about the car from fellow Marines I grew up with in my early years in the Corps that were stationed on the West Coast.
I first saw the “Raider Mobile” when I returned to VMGR-352 in early 2005, after returning from J-Model training I had attended at MCAS Cherry Point with VMGR- 252. The car was running but was in need of so much work. As I had just arrived back in Miramar as a now qualified KC-130J Level 1 Crew Chief, the squadron had just begun the transition from the “Legacy” aircraft. The squadron was not only transitioning at this time slowly but also forward deployed in support of operations afar.
As stated in the history, I was part of the interest of the partial restoration in 2006 headed up by Joe Lilly and other Marines within the command. I was excited to hear of the possibility that Jay Leno may get the opportunity to see our car and help raise awareness for our little project, but as stated that could not be possible after he visited the squadron for an event held in our hanger.
In early 2007 I was forward deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom till later that year and within less than a year after returning in August, I was redeployed back for another seven-month tour with the Raiders in July of 2008. I returned in February 2009 and was scheduled to PCS and move to Okinawa, Japan in May of that year. I spent the next three years there before returning to MCAS Miramar in May of 2012.
Once I came back the car was pretty much in its current state. I wanted to get something going then but time past, the squadron was busy supporting operations and training, and then ended up on an eight month deployment to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom from January to August of 2014. I retired on August 31st 2015. I have been working on this project now for around ten months doing all the research and contacting Marines throughout the car’s history to add to the story and build interest.
I hope to continue this portion of the story as we continue to go forth with the fundraising and actual restoration phases of OPERATION RESTORE TANKER LINCOLN. I will post not only updates but also photographs as well of the progress online on the webpage I have set up for the project as well. ( The historical side of it will also be documented here on this document, which in time will remain with the car after its completion. Again thank you for your support, the time you have already given to read and understand this material, and in advance if you have the desire to donate, no matter how small, to the raising of funds, parts, labor, or the moral support to accomplish our mission. Semper Fidelis.
Part III: The Way Ahead for the Raider Mobile (aka the Tanker Lincoln)
Using a modified (and abbreviated) Marine Corps Planning Process (MCPP)
Problem Framing / Mission Analysis
Understanding the problem / environment
– Car is not running or driving.
– Over time, without maintenance and or shelter, condition of car will continue to deteriorate.
– Costs are expensive for restoration of the car.
– Raider Mobile Foundation, LLC research in progress, desire to create a working non-profit. Legal and funding issues will be key to any LLC.
– Leadership for the project will be by retired GySgt Jacob A. Cobb and some help may be available from the squadron when done outside the command and of a personal capacity, the larger “Battle Herk” community, squadron alumni, and hopefully from automotive enthusiasts alike.
– In the past, Squadron Junior Officers were the prime movers behind the car. Recent energy has been demonstrated by the enlisted. The vehicle will now become a unifying effort for all ranks.
– Car has a notable, almost legendary history, and at one time, was a critical enabler for both the Squadron’s Morale and Reputation (both Critical Requirements (CRs) to Unit Mission)
Initial Campaign Design Sketch with LOOs (Lines of Operations)
This campaign will be conducted in five phases:
Phase I: Shaping
– Main effort will be the generation of human energy, research, and awareness to commence restoring the car.
– This phase ends when we are able to begin fundraising.
Phase II: Seize the Initiative
– Main effort will be fundraising to make subsequent phases possible.
– This phase ends when we are in a position to begin major repairs approx.($15,000.00)
– Fundraising will continue throughout the process until completion.
Phase III: Dominate
– Main effort will be the repair and restoration of the car.
– Secondary effort that will support the main effort is continued fundraising to reach $30,000
– This phase ends when the car has achieved Initial Operating Capability (IOC).
Phase IV: Stabilize
– Main effort will be the continued repair and restoration of the car.
– Secondary effort that will support the main effort is continued fundraising to reach $55,000
– This phase ends when the car has achieved Full Operating Capability (FOC).
Phase V: Sustaining
– Main effort will be the employment and operation of the car.
– Secondary effort will be the sustainment and continued fundraising to support the LLC and Raider Mobile Foundation as it will continue to maintain the car throughout time, as well as have the ability to support other squadron functions and its Marines with small donations from the foundation in the future.
– This phase does not end and will remain “Always Faithful.”
Commanders Initial Intent and Guidance: (Jacob A. Cobb, USMC Retired)
The purpose of this operation will be to restore the “Raider Mobile”/ “Tanker Lincoln” to Full Operational Capability (FOC) in support of squadron professional and social objectives, while at the same time, bolstering morale and camaraderie within VMGR-352 and continuing on its illustrious history within the community.
I envision this effort, not as a one-time operation, but as a campaign that will be sustainable for the foreseeable future. The car will be a source of pride to every Raider; past, present and those to come. We must ensure that those who will succeed us are proud to not only claim the title of United States Marine, but also to be a member of VMGR- 352 and a Raider.
The repairs to the squadron car will complement, rather than detract from squadron operations and training. I am willing to accept a low level of risk in pursuing our endstates. In addition, safety and common sense will trump expediency.
In conjunction with our efforts, we will reach out to our allies and partners to include: Raiders from our illustrious past, other members of the Battle Herk Community, our neighbors here at MCAS Miramar, the local civilian community, all Marines and Sailors and anyone who wishes us well.
I intend to wage this campaign asymmetrically, applying the principle of economy of force, by attacking the enemy’s Center of Gravity (COG) through its Critical Vulnerabilities (CVs) utilizing several lines of operation (LOOs): Admin, Publicity, Fundraising, Repair/ Restoration in detail and Operations.
Early on, we face two key Decisive Points. First, a COA Decision on how to go about the restoration of the car. Second, will be the selection of an “anchor” or major donor. I believe that correctly done, these two determinations will set us up for success.
Finally, there is no task below our respective rank or position. Unity of effort, demonstrated through teamwork, will achieve our objectives.
– VMGR-352 regains an iconic, attractive, safe and sustainable squadron car.
– Squadron morale is increased.
– Raider mystique reaffirmed and perpetuated.
– Conduct fundraising
– Conduct structural and mechanical repairs
– Conduct cosmetic restoration
– Create and employ an effective publicity campaign
– Register and insure vehicle
– Create Squadron Car SOP to include usage and care plan
– Liaise with numerous agencies
– Have fun and exhibit pride being part of the “Raiders”
Essential (from Specified and Implied tasks)
– Conduct Fundraising
– Conduct structural and mechanical repairs
– Conduct cosmetic restoration
Analyze Center of Gravity (COG)
Sufficient funding will be the COG to the restoration.
– Cost could be up to around $55,000 for restoration of the car.
– First option is to restore the car as is.
– Requires donor car for structural repairs
– Former Raiders and celebrities may help. To what degree, remains unknown.
– Body shop and repair facilities will grant discounts for work, but will not work for free.
– Some work on the car could be done “in house” by current and or former Marines. (Outside the squadron)
– HHQ (MAG and 3rd MAW) as well as MCAS Miramar could support effort in unique ways.
– Fundraising Event Support
– Real estate for events
– Donate Time or Equipment
– Legal Support
– Raise Awareness (Pass the Word) / Internal and External Media Request
– Social and traditional media could support (Combat Camera, MC Times, Bravo Zulu, Leather Neck Magazine, Facebook, E-Mail, Word of Mouth, etc).
Limitations (must do and can’t do)
– Car not to interfere with squadron operations and training. Must be kept outside the commands official capacity.
– Car must be registered, titled and insured in the state of California
– Car must comply with any MCAS Miramar / MCI West regulations
– Car must comply with any HHQ (MAG, MAW, USMC) regulations or intent
Proposed Mission Statement:
On order, “Operation Restore Tanker Lincoln” will restore and or reestablish having a squadron car at VMGR-352 in order to further squadron morale, reestablish links with its illustrious past, and promote the Raider mystique.
Intel Preparation of the Battlespace
ID Shortfalls
– Funding
– Knowledge to conduct fundraising campaign
– Knowledge of Non-Profit / LLC process
– Automotive Industry / Availability
– Limited knowledge of Lincoln Continental restoration process
ID Commander’s Critical Information Requirements (CCIR’s)
– Any accident or incident involving the car and associated personnel
– Any HHQ interest
– Any Media Inquiry
– Any major event or tasking diverting squadron’s effort toward Car
Request for Information (RFI’s)
– Is there interest within the community to restore the car?
– Is there a major media outlet that will carry story?
– Is there an institution / individual that will provide significant help?
– How much interest is there in assisting with the restoration process?
COA (Course of Action) Development (from least to most effort):
Proposed COAs
(1) Do nothing, continue policy of “benign neglect”
(2) Tow vehicle to salvage yard, dispose of vehicle, give up on any idea of a squadron car.
(3) Repair / Restore car to the point it could be a static display for the squadron or donated to a museum.
(4) Repair / Restore current car to its appearance during the “Golden Years,” “the Next Generation,” or “Something New” for use by current and future Marines of VMGR-352.
(5) Buy a replacement car and restore it to its appearance during the “Golden Years”, “the Next Generation” or “Something New” for use by current and future Marines of VMGR-352.
(6) The “Blended COA.” (Any combination of the previous minus COA #1).
Operational Naming
In honor of those Raiders who preceded us, this campaign will be given the name:
{Planners note: Displayed up to this point are Problem Framing and COA Development steps that would be used in order to prepare COAs for Analysis or Wargaming. Next, everything will be refined for the COA Comparison and Commander’s Decision steps. We are very early in the planning process as well as the Initial / Shaping Phase introduced in the Campaign Design schematic on page 27}.
Approved Mission Statement
When directed, “Operation Restore Tanker Lincoln” will restore and reestablish a squadron car at VMGR-352 in order to further squadron morale, reestablish links with its illustrious past, and perpetuate the Raider mystique.
COA Development Guidance
– No COA preference given, except continued inactivity not an option.
– Added Limitation: Car cannot be registered, titled or insured under “VMGR-352″or the “United States Marine Corps.”
– Reiterated desire for some kind of SOP, assigning drivers or a chain of command for the vehicle.
– Once there is some kind of legal basis, publicity and fundraising can begin.
COA Development / Wargaming
COAs need to be suitable, sustainable, feasible, acceptable and distinguishable.
Three COAs (two with known major sequels, all with several branches) are to be developed:
#1. Restore the current car to full operational capability for squadron use.
#2. A. Partially restore the current car into a static display at an appropriate venue
B. Buy and restore a comparable 1969 Lincoln Continental or squadron use.
#3. A. Junk / Dispose of the current car and buy and restore a comparable 1969 Lincoln Continental.
B. Buy, design, and restore something new for squadron use.
COA Comparison

COA Selection / Decision
A blended COA of 1 and 2 was selected. First choice is that the historic car will be restored to full operational capability for squadron use. If that is not feasible for any reason, the current car will be partially restored into an attractive static display located either at VMGR-352 or donated it to a museum of choice. In the event of partial restoration. The option to purchase another 1969 Lincoln Continental will be based on the ability to raise enough funds to acquire and restore a second car. The partial restoration and static display will take precedence based on available funds raised.
Orders Production and Development (Omitted)
Transition to Execution
With COA Selection complete, transition to Phase I Execution commences.
Part IV: The Renderings of the Way Ahead for the Raider Mobile
Part V: Proposed Budget
Operation Restore Tanker Lincoln (OP-RTL) Budget Estimation: Some Fees are based on actual amounts already spent for the project. The remainder is estimated for use of the funds raised during the fundraiser campaign of the $55,000.00 goal. This budget is based on 1000 donations of $55.00 (min). The online fees can change based on this factor and how it calculates in the end. The net amount desire to raise is $50,000.00 after fees for the project. If more is raised it will be placed into an account that is used by the Raider Mobile Foundation for future upkeep of the car and or possible donations made from the foundation. The below calculated total amount budgeted is $54,601.83
I. | Initial Planning (Research and Development) | 10 Months | $0.00 |
a.Internet / Word of Mouth Research | |||
b. E-Mail and Phone Calls (Previous Owners) | |||
c. Travel / Estimates of Repair / Consultant Meetings | |||
d. Storyline / History Prep | |||
e. ( | 2 Year Issue | $20.00 | |
f. Website Design ( | Mandrake Design | $400.00 | |
g. GoFundMe (Fees and Set Up / 55,000 Goal) | Internet | $4,645.00 | |
i. GoFundMe = 5% | |||
ii. WePay = 2.9% + 0.30 per donation (x1000) | |||
h. 501(c) 3 NoN Profit Fees | Legal Zoom | $495.00 | |
i. (Lincoln Continental Owners Club) Annual Dues | National | $48.00 | |
j. (Lincoln Continental Owners Club) Annual Dues | Western Region | $35.00 | |
k. Mailer for registration of lcoc Western Region | Postage | $19.99 |
II. | California Department of Motor Vehicles | ||
a. History / Project Mailer to DMV (postage) | 1 Week | $10.40 | |
b. DMV Research (Sacramento) | 1 Month | $15.00 | |
c. Title: Sent to previous owner (Overnight Postage) | 1 Week | $19.99 | |
d. Title Transfer | 1 Week | $25.00 | |
e. DMV Original Plate Research / Issue | 1 Month | $50.00 | |
f. Past Registration and DMV Fees | 7 Years | $220.00 | |
g. Current Registration | Annual | $46.00 | |
h. Historical Plate Fee | Initial Issue | $25.00 |
III. | Drive Train and Suspension | 5 Months | $15,000.00 |
a. Parts (Estimated based on review ) | |||
b. labor (Prep and Execution) | |||
c. Design Fee | |||
d. Miscellaneous | |||
e. Estimated Hours / Time |
IV. | Interior | 2 Months | $10,000.00 |
a. Parts (Estimated based on review ) | Concurrently | ||
b. labor (Prep and Execution) | To body and paint | ||
Install and finish | |||
d. Miscellaneous | work will be | ||
e. Estimated Hours / Time | 3 weeks |
V. | Body and Paint | 5 Months | $20,000.00 |
a. Parts (Estimated based on review ) | |||
b. labor (Prep and Execution) | |||
c. Design and Rendering Fee | |||
d. Donor Car Acquisition | Roof and Extra’s | $3,000.00 | |
e. Miscellaneous | |||
f. Estimated Hours / Time |
VI. | Other (Direct and Indirect Costs) | ||
a. Cleaning Supplies (Initial Prep) | Auto Zone | $35.00 | |
b. Tarp / Bungees (In climate weather storage) | Home Depot | $125.00 | |
c. Admin Supplies (paper, pens, document protectors etc.) | Staples | $48.50 | |
d. Photo Copies / Fax (As Required) | Staples | $13.95 | |
e. Overseas / International Phone Calls | Teleconference | $100.00 |
VII. | Miscellaneous Expense / Petty Cash Allotment | Project Use | $700.00 |